Woman holding DIY lip balmWhy is it so hard to find eco-friendly (free from our Dirty Dozen chemicals to avoid in cosmetics and not tested on animals) deodorant that works?

Instead of shopping defensively, reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals by making your own deodorant and lip balm. Both recipes are fit for the whole family — even winning over some hard-core skeptics.

When you make your own personal care and cleaning products, you not only know what’s in them, you reduce waste by reusing containers and buying ingredients in bulk.

For either recipe, wash and reuse your last store-bought tube or jar, reuse a tiny glass jar or buy paper tubes!


Works best when wearing natural fibers that breathe — organic cotton, wool, linen etc.

Time needed: 15 minutes 
Shelf life: approximately six months 

  • 15 ml (1 Tbsp) shea or cocoa butter
  • 15 ml (1 Tbsp) coconut oil
  • 20 ml (4 tsp) local beeswax (grated or pastilles) or soy wax
  • 15 ml (1 Tbsp) cornstarch or arrowroot powder
  • 15 ml (1 Tbsp) baking soda
  • 10-15 drops of essential oil(s) — lemon, tea tree, lavender, geranium, bergamot (optional)

Melt first three ingredients in double boiler OR metal bowl over a pot with 50 ml (1/5-cup) water. Melt on low heat. Stir. Remove from heat and add baking soda and cornstarch or arrowroot powder. Stir in optional essential oils last. Cool. Store in air-tight container. Wash and reuse your last store-bought tube or jar, reuse a tiny tin or buy paper tubes!

To use, dab a pea-sized amount under each arm. It will melt on contact with your body heat. Everyone’s body chemistry is different. You may need to adjust this recipe and type or amount of essential oils that work for you.

Note: Omit baking soda if your body finds it irritating. Essential oils are powerful, so start with small amounts. And always do a test patch on your skin. If you have sensitive skin or scent sensitivities, don’t use essential oils.

Lip balm

Avoid petrolatum, a petrochemical sometimes contaminated with cancer-causing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Time needed: 15 minutes 
Shelf life: approximately six months 

  • 5 ml (1 tsp)shea or cocoa butter
  • 15 ml (1 Tbsp) avocado or jojoba oil
  • 15 ml (1 Tbsp) local beeswax (grated or pastilles) or soy wax
  • 1 drop vitamin E oil (optional)
  • 5 drops essential oil — peppermint (optional)

Melt first three ingredients in double boiler OR metal bowl over a pot with 50 ml (1/5-cup) water. Melt on low heat. Stir. Remove from heat. Stir in optional ingredients. Cool. Store in an air-tight container.

Note: Avoid cold-pressed lemon, lime, grapefruit or bergamot essential oils which can react with sunlight. They are phototoxic.