VANCOUVER — The David Suzuki Foundation congratulates the Haida Nation and Government of Canada on their joint decision to close all bottom-contact fishing at the SGaan Kinghlas — Bowie Seamount Marine Protected Area. Recent research shows the area is home to four rare benthic species, including three new species of glass sponge.

“We support a precautionary approach to protect the unique biodiversity, biological productivity and significant cultural value of this seamount,” said David Suzuki Foundation Western Region director general Jay Ritchlin. “We’re pleased with the collaborative management approach taken by the Council of the Haida Nation and Fisheries and Oceans Canada.”

The area, 180 kilometres offshore of Haida Gwaii, is one of the shallowest seamounts in the North Pacific. Fisheries and Oceans Canada notes that the seamount is an underwater mountain formed by volcanic activity, resulting in unique oceanographic interactions that enhance the biological productivity of the area.

The area was designated as a marine protected area under the Canada Oceans Act in 2008. The announcement last week will lead to greater protection for the seamount’s corals, sponges and other species.

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For more information, please contact:

Theresa Beer,, 604-732-4228 ×1239