Renewables are now the largest source of new power capacity worldwide
VANCOUVER — Today, the David Suzuki Foundation launched Charged Up, a national renewable energy program aimed at helping accelerate the transition to renewable energy in Canada.
The program amplifies success stories of community-led renewables, connects renewable energy champions and strives to position Canada as a global climate leader.
“The science is clear: If we want to meet our Paris Agreement commitments, we need to leave fossil fuels in the ground,” said scientist, author, broadcaster and David Suzuki Foundation co-founder David Suzuki. “Canada must step up now and lead the global transition to renewable energy.”
Globally, the market shift to clean energy is already happening. Prices for wind and solar power have fallen sharply, and demand is taking off. China, India, the U.S. and Europe are leading the way in bringing on renewable energy. Denmark, for instance, is forecast to have 70 per cent of its electricity generated from variable renewable sources by 2022.
“So much of the dialogue around climate change is negative, focusing on impacts and the consequences we face if we don’t change our ways,” said Foundation CEO Stephen Cornish. “Renewable energy brings hope and optimism to the conversation. The innovation we’re seeing around the world is creating new jobs and economic opportunities while also mitigating catastrophic climate change.”
Recent polling conducted by the Foundation shows that while 70 per cent of people in Canada support a quick shift to renewable energy, only 10 per cent of Foundation supporters are able to name a single renewable energy project.
“Thousands of community-led projects are underway in Canada, but many people aren’t aware of them,” said Charged Up program lead Sherry Yano. “People throughout Canada are keen to become active producers of renewable energy, and not just passive ratepayers or consumers. Now all we need is the political will to enable the transition at the structural level.”
Many Indigenous communities have become leaders in local renewable energy projects.
“We’re not looking for energy grids owned by big corporations, but rather communities that actually own their power,” said Foundation fellow and Lubicon Solar principal Melina Laboucan-Massimo. “Renewable energy is a beacon of hope for our communities. It represents a path toward healing and change.”
Complete program information — including a series of community-led renewable energy stories — is available at
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For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:
Emily Fister, David Suzuki Foundation,, 604-440-5470
A backgrounder about David Suzuki Foundation’s Charged Up national renewable energy program is available here.