Help create sustainable communities

Let’s reimagine communities to increase well-being

When we value connections to each other and nature, we all live better.

As political parties develop their platforms, it’s up to all of us to make sure Canada’s party leaders know we must build vibrant, resilient societies that benefit everyone.

You can advocate for environmental sustainability and community well-being. Add your name to this letter. You can also include your personal message.

Tips to personalize your letter:

  • Introduce yourself (i.e., I’m a parent, student, Indigenous person, scientist, new Canadian, etc.)
  • Explain how you feel about the sustainability of your community (i.e., your motivations, hopes, fears, etc.)
  • Describe how you do your best to contribute, knowing that the systems our society is built on take collective effort to change (i.e., waste, transportation, commerce, etc.)

Sharing your story and perspective can influence and convince politicians. Parties want to earn your support.

Thank you for speaking up!