Stop LNG from fuelling climate chaos and false economic promises

“Natural gas” is a misleading marketing term used by the oil and gas industry. Most B.C. gas is fracked, using millions of gallons of water and toxic chemicals and producing huge emissions — far from “natural.”

Fracked gas’s rising emissions, and especially the methane released during production, are increasing the intensity, frequency and destructive power of extreme wildfires, floods and droughts, in B.C. and around the world.

Oil and gas corporations are misleading us to increase already record profits and slow the transition to clean energy. 

But fracked gas isn’t just a climate problem, it’s an economic one too. B.C.’s industry would ramp up just as global LNG production is expected to plateau — meaning governments, proponents and communities could face serious economic risks, including higher gas bills.

It’s time to transition instead to clean, renewable energy.

Together, we’re taking a stand against LNG and for growth of clean, renewable energy. Will you email Premier Eby to say “no” to LNG too? 

