David Suzuki Foundation senior climate solutions policy analyst Tom Green:
“The hydrogen strategy for Canada released today only gets half the equation right. There is a role for zero-emission hydrogen to help reduce carbon emissions as part of the new climate plan, especially in areas such as steelmaking and other heavy industry processes.
But hydrogen derived from fossil fuels should have been left out of the strategy, because leaving it in is a lifeline to an industry we know must be wound down as we decarbonize our economy. Canada can — and should — have focused on producing clean hydrogen from renewable sources without requiring fossil fuels at all. Hydrogen becomes a climate solution only when it’s produced in a climate-friendly way. Even with carbon capture, hydrogen from fossil sources implies emissions and it diverts needed investments from real solutions.”
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For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:
Theresa Beer, 778-874-3396, tbeer@davidsuzuki.org