David Suzuki is joining a list of distinguished speakers, including Grand Chief Stewart Phillip and Chief Roland Willson, at this year’s Paddle for the Peace on the Peace River. Suzuki will join hundreds of people in canoes, kayaks and other watercraft to paddle down the Peace River to protest the imminent construction of the Site C dam. The B.C. government issued permits for dam-related construction this week despite growing calls for a moratorium.
When: Saturday, July 11, 2015
Event begins at 9 a.m. at the Halfway River with a pancake breakfast hosted by the West Moberly First Nations. David Suzuki will be available for media interviews at 10:30 a.m. at the Halfway River location and will give a speech at 2:30 p.m.
Boats will be launched into the Peace River at the Halfway tributary and finish at a third-generation farm that will be under water if the Site C dam goes ahead.
More information about the event: www.PaddleforthePeace.ca
Media contact
Faisal Moola, David Suzuki Foundation