David Suzuki Foundation expert ecological economist Tom Green available for media interviews following presentation of economic and fiscal snapshot (expected at 1:40 p.m. ET)
OTTAWA – Today, Finance Minister Bill Morneau will provide the first report on the state of the Canadian economy since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The economic and fiscal snapshot is expected to highlight significant spending over the past three months, as well as the need for a recovery that both reinvigorates the economy and helps address the parallel environmental crises of climate change and mass biodiversity loss.
“Government efforts and leadership in addressing this health emergency and flattening the COVID-19 curve have been entirely necessary, despite their enormous financial cost,” David Suzuki Foundation climate solutions policy analyst Tom Green said. “We have yet to flatten the curves of other impending crises, by investing in climate solutions and nature. We also need to rethink our economic system to recognize the finite limits of the planet and broaden the definition of economic success. Success is the generation of well-being for all people and the planet, not just how much GDP grows for a few at nature’s expense.”
In the coming months, federal and provincial governments will shift from relief to recovery, and will invest billions in key economic sectors to kick-start the economy.
“Now is the time to seize this opportunity to set Canada on the path to net zero emissions by 2050,” Green said. “We can help address the economic and environmental crises we face simultaneously, by investing in the myriad potential shovel-ready projects that both create jobs and help us meet our climate and nature protection targets.”
Yesterday, a coalition of groups, including DSF and headed by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), released the Green Strings: Principles and Conditions for a Green Recovery from COVID-19 in Canada report. It includes seven principles that outline a roadmap for meeting Canada’s 2050 climate commitments while spurring economic resiliency and creating good jobs.
“These recommendations are based on scientific evidence of what is needed to recover the economy in a way that is more inclusive, just and sustainable,” Green said. “David Suzuki Foundation supporters alone have already sent more than 20,000 messages to government calling for a green and just recovery. It’s what’s needed right now for all people and the planet. Our recovery from COVID-19 is our chance to build back better and create the safe, sustainable world we all want. We must not miss this once-in-a-generation opportunity.”
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For more information or to arrange an interview with expert ecological economist Tom Green, please contact:
Brendan Glauser (English), bglauser@davidsuzuki.org, 604-356-8829
Diego Creimer (French), dcreimer@davidsuzuki.org, 514-999-6743