VANCOUVER — With Vancouver passing its Climate Emergency Action Plan, which includes road pricing, the David Suzuki Foundation released a report today with recommendations on the most effective and fair road pricing policies.
“Mobility pricing is working to reduce congestion and carbon emissions in cities around the world,” Foundation climate solutions policy analyst Tom Green said. “This report lays out some timely advice for Vancouver and the region on how to bring in measures that are most likely to succeed while also being fair for everyone.”
Emissions from transport make up 45 per cent of Metro Vancouver’s carbon footprint. The report, “Pricing It Right for Climate,” finds that in cordon areas, as is being proposed in Vancouver, emissions could drop overall in the range of two to 10 per cent. Reducing congestion also helps the economy. A study from Greater Los Angeles found pricing can reduce congestion costs by 16 to 27 per cent.
Mobility pricing won’t work on its own, according to the research. It needs to be part of a broader mix of transport and climate policies to tackle our region’s transport emissions crisis. Strong provincial- and national-level regulations, such as vehicle emissions standards and zero emission vehicle sales mandates must complement mobility pricing. Investment in active transportation, public transit and transit-oriented development also help people choose better options in addition to being part of the emissions reduction puzzle.
“Any mobility pricing scheme must be fair,” Green said. “Using revenues to create a credit for low-income households and to support public transit, active travel and exemptions and/or tax cuts are ways to level the playing field.”
The review focuses on cordon areas, fuel taxes and per kilometre fees, and the potential for zero-emissions vehicle zones. Evidence for pricing effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, equity, political acceptability and implementation strategies are discussed. In addition to Metro Vancouver, it also assesses mobility pricing in Montreal.
Cities around the world like Stockholm and Singapore have been using mobility pricing to successfully tackle traffic congestion, but the climate emergency also demands urgent action.
“With deep carbon emissions reductions needed in the transportation sector, all policy options must be on the table,” Green said.
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Read the report, “Pricing It Right for Climate.”
Report authors:
- Jonn Axsen, Director of the Sustainable Transportation Action Research Team, Simon Fraser University
- Michael Wolinetz, Partner, Navius Research
For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:
Theresa Beer, David Suzuki Foundation, 778-874-3396,