Young and healthy, Victor and his wife decided to leave a gift to the Foundation in their will.
Creating a charitable legacy through your will is a powerful way to express your values and continue your support for nature — and for generations to come.
Legacy donor Victor gets peace and sense of belonging from spending time outdoors. “Most people don’t realize the depth of our relationship with nature,” he said.
He’s proud to support the Foundation’s wide range of projects that protect nature while encompassing technology, human behaviour, and Indigenous rights and traditional knowledge. “We must work from multiple fronts to create solutions that complement each other and that consider everyone.”
Most people don’t realize the depth of our relationship with nature.
Young and healthy, Victor and his wife decided to leave a gift to the Foundation in their will. Like most parents, they care about protecting their two sons, but they also care about nature. They wanted to do both. “We immediately thought of the David Suzuki Foundation,” he said. “After our kids, ensuring a future for everyone was the most sensible thing to do.”