Humans of Blue Dot: Jade

(Photo: Caroline Dostie Photographie)

Jade Fabiano, Blue Dot volunteer.

Last year I attended a conference organized by Food Secure Canada to discuss food security and sovereignty. This event had a profound impact on me and made me reflect upon how civil society can participate in decision-making processes. Many topics were discussed, including agriculture, climate change, food waste, and the well-being of Northern and indigenous communities. These conferences allowed me to grasp the economic, environmental and political issues facing a large number of communities. It was by listening to these stories, from people who experience the direct impact of our environmental behaviors, that I understood the urgency of action and the importance of social innovation. 
I have a long-standing passion for community action, sustainable development, and social justice. This has made me extremely aware of various regional and global issues, and motivated me to invest my time, since I believe that a movement of solidarity and collaboration can lead to concrete and lasting solutions. My involvement in the Blue Dot campaign allows me to connect social and environmental issues. I also meet passionate people with whom I collaborate on citizen engagement projects. 
I am worried that future generations will not be able to benefit from Canadian landscapes and ecosystems as we know them today. I am also concerned that if things do not change they will suffer adverse health impacts. It is high time that we strengthen our laws by recognizing the fundamental right to a healthy environment, including clean air, clean water and healthy food. 

Blue Dot relies on the efforts of dedicated citizens taking action in their local communities. Humans of Blue Dot is an attempt to capture the unique stories of some inspiring volunteers who have generously given their time to advancing the environmental rights movement in Canada.