Land Governance: Honouring rights and responsibilities

Globally, Indigenous Peoples comprise less than five per cent of the world’s population, but protect 80 per cent of the planet’s biodiversity. Because Indigenous knowledge of lands and waters has evolved over thousands of years, many are looking at Indigenous governance models to help address the global climate and biodiversity crises.

To understand how re-establishing Indigenous governance models can support better land-use, we helped create “Land Governance: Past, Present, Future”. We hope this series of videos will promote conversations about land governance in Canada.

“Land Governance: Future”, the third video in the series, explores potential paths toward just systems of land management that honour Indigenous rights and responsibilities. These paths include implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, inclusion of Indigenous systems of governance and stewardship, developing mechanisms to recognize Indigenous land ownership and the need to create meaningful relationships as a foundation for moving forward.

Learn more about Indigenous governance and the Land Back movement