A sustainable future is possible. Local action matters!

Future Ground Network is a hub for community groups taking local action to secure healthier, more viable futures. Through climate justice, biodiversity protection, waste reduction and sustainable systems, they are taking a stand for the future.

Throughout the country, people are coming together to put down roots, transform their neighbourhoods, defend nature and accelerate the environmental movement. It starts at the community level, but the impacts can be global!

Whether experienced or emerging, members of the Future Ground Network have access to:

  • Support: free access to tools, resources, training and expertise to help mobilize communities and amplify voices
  • Connections: a unique opportunity to share best practices and work together to achieve common goals
  • Inspiration: a supportive and friendly space conducive to innovation and creativity

Not yet part of a community group? That’s okay. There are still many ways to participate — and act! Register for the new organizer training!

Join the network!