Amanda Suutari
Vancouver, B.C.
Writer, artist, mediator, daughter, partner, gardener.
I’ve been called “unrealistic” or a “dreamer” for envisioning an equitable world beyond fossil fuels. But it’s not only deeply pragmatic to solve the climate crisis, steward our precious natural capital and leave a “positive footprint,” it’s absolutely necessary to our survival. We owe it to our children and grandchildren to collaborate on a multitude of strategies to meet the greatest wicked challenge of our time. Doing so will be healing and transformative.
Amanda Suutari

How you can act now:
- Sign this petition to tell the federal government that climate action can’t wait
- Share this #ArtForClimateJustice on social media
- If you would like PDFs of any of the posters to print, please contact climate@davidsuzuki.org with your request.