Jake Duncan
Vancouver, B.C.
Friend, visual artist, queer, Jewish, Scottish, gardener, listener, collaborator.
For true liberation from exploitative, patriarchal capitalism, the climate movement must work with other justice movements. Individual action is important but not possible for many. While encouraging politicians, governments and business owners to take steps to lessen their harm, we must also support Indigenous sovereignty and leadership, and defund the police and military. We don’t have time to wait. We start on Earth and end on Earth — without it we are nothing. “Justice is what love looks like in public.” ~ Cornel West
Jake Duncan

How you can act now:
- Sign this petition to tell the federal government that climate action can’t wait
- Share this #ArtForClimateJustice on social media
- If you would like PDFs of any of the posters to print, please contact climate@davidsuzuki.org with your request.