Julie Ktytor: We must find the courage to chart a new course

Julie Ktytor

Julie Ktytor

Julie Ktytor

Thunder Bay, Ontario

Wife, mother, educator, artist, photographer, forest lover.

What do our children see today? People don’t have the courage to make drastic changes and decisions to stop climate change. Government leaders prioritize politics and money. I want my children to have the privilege of having what I had growing up and not see it slowly slipping away.

Julie Ktytor

Kiva Stimac - Art for Climate Justice

How you can act now:

  • Sign this petition to tell the federal government that climate action can’t wait
  • Share this #ArtForClimateJustice on social media
  • If you would like PDFs of any of the posters to print, please contact climate@davidsuzuki.org with your request.