Lori Waters
Saanichton, B.C.
Science communicator, naturalist, artist, gardener, kayaker, wife, daughter, teacher, musician, maker.
While collecting climate data aboard an Arctic icebreaker and as a scientific artist in Ivvavik, I saw diminishing sea ice and lack of snowpack for drinking water. In B.C., I experienced devastating wildfires and lived through a heat dome that killed hundreds of people and billions of sea creatures. Humans, especially in wealthy nations like Canada, have caused and are exacerbating climate change. Let’s reduce our emissions now, via all possible means. No issue is more important.
Lori Waters

How you can act now:
- Sign this petition to tell the federal government that climate action can’t wait
- Share this #ArtForClimateJustice on social media
- If you would like PDFs of any of the posters to print, please contact climate@davidsuzuki.org with your request.