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APPENDIX — Canada’s Ranking in Key Measurements October 2005 Appendix/Graph Climate solutions, Environmental rights
Canada’s Environmental Record: An Assessment Thomas Gunton September 2005 Technical brief Climate solutions, Environmental rights
Closing in on Environmentally Sound Salmon Aquaculture: A Fresh Look at Closed Tank Systems Linwood Pendleton, Josh Whitney, Kim Bonine, Kristin Schmelz, Jay Ritchlin, Theresa Rothenbush, Leah Wahlberg April 2005 Report, Recommendation Biodiversity, Oceans and fresh water
Transmission Dynamics of Parasitic Sea Lice from Farm to Wild Salmon Martin Krkosek March 2005 Report Biodiversity, Oceans and fresh water
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY — The Case for Deep Reductions Canada’s Role in Preventing Dangerous Climate Change January 2005 Executive summary Climate solutions
The Case for Deep Reductions Canada’s Role in Preventing Dangerous Climate Change Matthew Bramley January 2005 Report Climate solutions
Running on Empty Shifting to a Sustainable Energy Plan for B.C. Dale Marshall, Jodi-Lyn Newnham August 2004 Report, Recommendation Climate solutions
Oil and Gas in British Columbia: 10 Steps to Responsible Development April 2004 Recommendation Climate solutions, Environmental rights
A Vanishing Heritage: The Loss of Ancient Red Cedar John Nelson January 2004 Report Biodiversity
Giving Credit Where Credit is Due: Canada, Kyoto and Developing Countries November 2003 Backgrounder Biodiversity, Climate solutions, Environmental rights
Climate Solutions: Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Ontario April 2003 Executive summary Climate solutions, Biodiversity
Findings from Confronting Climate Change in the Great Lakes Region: Impacts on Ontario Communities and Ecosystems April 2003 Executive summary Biodiversity, Climate solutions