Socio-Economic Baseline of the Howe Sound Area (2016)
Published by:
David Suzuki Foundation and partners
Lions Gate Consulting
Oceans and fresh water, Biodiversity eco-assets, Átl'ka7tsem/Howe Sound, British Columbia, conservation, policy and regulation, industry, economics, protecting coastal waters
This socio-economic baseline report provides information about community and economic conditions within Howe Sound and adjacent communities. It should help to inform discussions about the benefits of coordinated multi-agency planning.
This baseline study includes values most likely to be affected by resource extraction and highlights community conditions and activities, including:
- Demographics
- Labour force
- Economic activity
- General land use
- Tourism and recreation
- Commercial fishing
- Marine transportation
- Forestry
- Utilities and Energy
- Aggregates
This report is an update to the 2013 Socio-Economic Baseline of the Howe Sound Area, but the study area has been expanded to include all of Howe Sound.
The area runs from Lighthouse Park, up the eastern coastline of the sound, past the northern border of Squamish and Paradise Valley, and back down the western coastline to Gibsons.