Sound Investment: Measuring the Return on Howe Sound’s Ecosystem Assets
Published by:
David Suzuki Foundation
Authored by:
Michelle Molnar
Oceans and fresh water, Environmental rights British Columbia, eco-assets, water systems, economics, community and culture, natural capital, Átl'ka7tsem/Howe Sound
There is an astounding trove of unrecognized natural wealth in the Howe Sound region needed for the region’s health, economy and culture that has yet to be factored into decision-making. Sound Investment: Measuring the Return on Howe Sound’s Ecosystem Assets finds that Howe Sound’s watersheds provide an estimated $800 million to $4.7 billion in ecological services from nature to the region each year.
Nature is the foundation of our social and economic prosperity and can be managed as we do other forms of capital. By assessing the stocks and state of ecosystems and providing an economic value to the services they provide, this study illuminates connections between the economy and nature so we can design the economy to be more compatible with our natural systems.