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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY — Managing BC’s Forests for a Cooler Planet: Carbon Storage, Sustainable Jobs and Conservation Ben Parfitt January 2010 Executive summary Climate solutions
Climate Leadership, Economic Prosperity: Final Report on an Economic Study of Greenhouse Gas Targets and Policies for Canada “ Matthew Bramley, Pierre Sadik, Dale Marshall October 2009 Report Climate solutions
Exploration of Two Canadian Greenhouse Gas Emissions Targets: 25% Below 1990 and 20% Below 2006 Levels by 2020 Matthew Bramley, Pierre Sadik, Dale Marshall October 2009 Report Climate solutions
Purchasing Carbon Offsets: A Guide for Canadian Consumers, Businesses and Organizations Deborah Carlson, Paul Lingl, Rich Wong August 2009 Report, Backgrounder Climate solutions
On Thin Ice: Winter Sports and Climate Change Ian Bruce March 2009 Report, Recommendation Climate solutions
Pricing Carbon: Saving Green — A Carbon Price to Lower Emissions, Taxes and Barriers to Green Technology Nic Rivers, Dave Sawyer October 2008 Report Climate solutions
Credit Check: A Comparative Evaluation of Tree-Planting and Fossil-Fuel Emission Reduction Offsets October 2008 Technical brief Climate solutions
Deep Reductions, Strong Growth: An Economic Analysis Showing that Canada Can Prosper Economically While Doing Its Share to Prevent Dangerous Climate Change October 2008 Report Climate solutions
Canada’s Polar Bear: Falling through the Cracks? Rachel Plotkin November 2007 Report, Recommendation Biodiversity
Switch Green: Energy Star Appliance Feebate Nic Rivers, Jotham Peters January 2007 Report, Recommendation Cities, Climate solutions
Toward a National Sustainable Development Strategy for Canada: Putting Canada on the Path to Sustainability within a Generation Thomas Gunton, Chris Joseph January 2007 Report Climate solutions, Biodiversity, Environmental rights
BACKGROUNDER — Quick Facts about Climate and the Olympics January 2007 Backgrounder Cities, Climate solutions