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Switch Green: Energy Star Appliance Feebate Nic Rivers, Jotham Peters January 2007 Report, Recommendation Cities, Climate solutions
Meeting the Challenge: A Carbon Neutral 2010 Winter Games Discussion Paper January 2007 Report, Recommendation Climate solutions, Cities
Radon: The Unfamiliar Killer David R. Boyd January 2007 Report card, Recommendation Environmental rights
The Food We Eat: An International Comparison of Pesticide Regulations David R. Boyd October 2006 Report, Recommendation Environmental rights
The Air We Breathe: An International Comparison of Air Quality Standards and Guidelines David R. Boyd August 2006 Report, Recommendation Environmental rights, Cities
Forever Farmland: Reshaping the Agricultural Land Reserve for the 21st Century Charles Campbell March 2006 Report, Recommendation Cities
The Maple Leaf in the OECD: Comparing Progress toward Sustainability Thomas Gunton October 2005 Report, Recommendation Climate solutions, Environmental rights
Closing in on Environmentally Sound Salmon Aquaculture: A Fresh Look at Closed Tank Systems Linwood Pendleton, Josh Whitney, Kim Bonine, Kristin Schmelz, Jay Ritchlin, Theresa Rothenbush, Leah Wahlberg April 2005 Report, Recommendation Biodiversity, Oceans and fresh water
Sustainable Shellfish: Recommendations for Responsible Aquaculture Heather Deal January 2005 Report, Recommendation Oceans and fresh water, Biodiversity
Fostering a Sustainable Canada: Protecting our Health, Environment and Economy December 2004 Submission, Recommendation Climate solutions, Environmental rights, Cities
Running on Empty Shifting to a Sustainable Energy Plan for B.C. Dale Marshall, Jodi-Lyn Newnham August 2004 Report, Recommendation Climate solutions
Oil and Gas in British Columbia: 10 Steps to Responsible Development April 2004 Recommendation Climate solutions, Environmental rights