Possible Factors Contributing to the Low Productivity of the 2000 Brood Year Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in the Broughton Archipelago, B.C., Canada
Published by:
David Suzuki Foundation
Authored by:
Ian V. Williams,
Cornelis Groot,
Lynda Walthers
Biodiversity, Oceans and fresh water salmon, British Columbia, species at risk, conservation, water systems
Pink salmon that migrate through the Broughton Archipelago of British Columbia, both as adults and juveniles, had a very poor return in 2002. Fewer than two fish returned for every 100 spawners counted in 2000. This triggered concern regarding the status of wild populations within the region. The objective of this report is to review the possible factors contributing to the low productivity of the 2000 brood year pink salmon in the Broughton Archipelago. We conclude that this low productivity is a result of cumulative impacts from marine adult migration, through freshwater spawning and incubation, to early marine residence.