Holding oil and gas accountable illustrations

A diverse range of people throughout Canada have written hundreds of letters to media outlets calling for ambitious climate action. We are so moved by their passion, wisdom and perspectives that we are sharing some excerpts to spread the word and the inspiration.

This series of letters is about the need for the oil and gas industry to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. In Canada, the oil and gas sector is the largest source of emissions, so we can’t meet vital climate targets without reducing these emissions. Other sectors, communities and individuals are reducing their emissions, even with limited financial resources to do so.

The oil and gas industry is making record-breaking profits and has all the resources necessary to reduce its emissions. Instead, industry is working to undermine and delay climate action and asking for taxpayers’ money to subsidize emissions reduction with expensive, unproven technologies.

You hear this from us at the David Suzuki Foundation all the time.

So, what’s the word on the street about holding oil and gas accountable for its emissions?

This is what we’re hearing.