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128 results found. Page 06 of 11
On the Edge: British Columbia’s Unprotected Transboundary Species Michelle Connolly, Keith Ferguson, Susan Pinkus, Faisal Moola September 2010 Report Biodiversity, Cities
A Grizzly Challenge: Ensuring a Future for Alberta’s Threatened Grizzlies Jeff Gailus May 2010 Report Biodiversity
SUBMISSION — Ensuring a Future for Canada’s Grizzly Bears: Letter from Scientists to Premier Gordon Campbell Paul Paquet, Fred L. Bunnell, Charlie Russell, Barrie Gilbert, Lance Craighead, Wayne McCrory, Chris Darimont, Brian Horejsi April 2010 Submission Biodiversity
Ensuring a Future for Canada’s Grizzly Bears: A Report on the Sustainability of the Trophy Hunt in B.C. Jeff Gailus, Faisal Moola, Michelle Connolly April 2010 Report, Recommendation Biodiversity
APPENDIX — Ensuring a Future for Canada’s Grizzly Bears: Mortality Rates by Year  April 2010 Appendix/Graph Biodiversity
GRAPH — Ensuring a Future for Canada’s Grizzly Bears: A Report on the Sustainability of the Trophy Hunt in B.C. April 2010 Appendix/Graph Biodiversity
MAP — Ensuring a Future for Canada’s Grizzly Bears: Grizzly Hunting Kills in B.C., 1977 – 2008 Steve Beckwitt April 2010 Atlas/Map Biodiversity
Conservation Value of the North American Boreal Forest from an Ethnobotanical Perspective Amanda Karst March 2010 Report Biodiversity, Environmental rights
The Last Place on Earth: British Columbia Needs a Law to Protect Species from Habitat Loss and Global Warming Sean Nixon, Devon Page, Susan Pinkus October 2008 Recommendation, Report Biodiversity
Couper l’herbe sous le pied des pesticides – Analyse du Code de gestion des pesticides du Québec et recommandations pour une réglementation provinciale efficace Lova Ramanitrarivo, Simona Untaru, Lisa Gue October 2008 Report Biodiversity
The Economics of Protecting Old Growth Forest: An Analysis of Spotted Owl Habitat in the Fraser Timber Supply Area of British Columbia Duncan Knowler, Kristin Dust September 2008 Report Biodiversity
Ontario’s Wealth, Canada’s Future: Appreciating the Value of the Greenbelt’s Eco-Services Sara Wilson September 2008 Report Biodiversity, Cities