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APPENDIX — Talking Transition 1: Fast Tracking Clean Power Survey Thomas Green, James Gaede August 2020 Appendix/Graph Climate solutions
APPENDIX — Talking Transition 2: Perspectives on Clean Power Pathways Thomas Green, James Gaede August 2020 Appendix/Graph Climate solutions
APPENDIX — Talking Transition 3: Review of Public Polling Thomas Green, James Gaede August 2020 Appendix/Graph Climate solutions
APPENDIX — Ensuring a Future for Canada’s Grizzly Bears: Mortality Rates by Year  April 2010 Appendix/Graph Biodiversity
GRAPH — Ensuring a Future for Canada’s Grizzly Bears: A Report on the Sustainability of the Trophy Hunt in B.C. April 2010 Appendix/Graph Biodiversity
APPENDIX — Waiting for the Ark: The Biodiversity Crisis in British Columbia, Canada and the Need for a Strong Endangered Species Law May 2007 Appendix/Graph Biodiversity, Oceans and fresh water
APPENDIX — Conservation Status and Threats to Species Associated with Old-growth Forests within the Range of the Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) in British Columbia, Canada February 2006 Appendix/Graph Biodiversity
APPENDIX — Environmental Ranking of High-Income OECD Countries October 2005 Appendix/Graph Climate solutions, Environmental rights
APPENDIX — Canada’s Ranking in Key Measurements October 2005 Appendix/Graph Climate solutions, Environmental rights